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Opportunity to write for us
Opportunity to write for us

Want to write for us?

Hey Reader!❤

Very happy to know about the common interest we share in technology and writing. Gaining technical knowledge and crafting that knowledge into an engaging piece for your audience is an art. And we truly believe that you can be that artist. So what’s stopping you to showcase your talent?

Points to Remember

We are working on making Techbit better with each passing day. And we surely expect the same from you. Following are the pre-requisites for contributing to our platform:

  • You have a sound knowledge on the topic that you have chosen to write on
  • You have read and researched well before giving references
  • You know the chronology of writing an article
  • Your article must be engaging and should not be less than 800 words.
  • You are aware of the fact that your content is plagiarism free
  • You are well aware of writing error-free English
  • You should not excessively promote your website

Drop Your Interests Here:

Just head over to our socials or better write to us about your interest on techbit.user@gmail.com.

Why you should consider us?

So without any climax-building, we are putting this fact straight out there: If your article gets finalized, Techbit will straight-up get another author. You will receive the personal endorsement and you will be treated just the same as the other authors that are working for us.

We cover a wide range of topics and they all are technology-driven. Our niche is so broad that there’s always something new coming up. You will gain exposure to how things actually work in real life. You can always get praised for your writing/topics by your audience. So it’s definitely a win-win situation for both.

How to get started?

Once we receive your interests along with your short bio and social media handles, we will get back to you.

The further process will include short sample writing for us so that we both can understand each other’s vision and work accordingly to bring better content on Techbit.

So we wish you all the best for the process ahead and we can’t wait to see what all you have to offer to this platform.